Friday, February 8, 2008

Noreen announcements

We've returned from the break. Noreen expresses that this group is good about stepping up, which is nice since there is a lot of stuff coming up that people will need to step up.

Teaching and Learning Spring conference is coming up: April 30 - May 2. Noreen is promoting the pre-conference workshops. Proposals being accepted through February 19. May try to incorporate the idea of using a wiki pre and post conference conversations. The keynote speaker - George Siemens - is also good about conference blogging.

Anna Sue McNeil Teaching and Learning Award - Actually two awards - one from disability educators and one from the state board. Nominations are being accepted through Feb 29. A nomination letter, max 2 pages.

Communication efforts - has not been producing a formal newsletter, but instead are sending more frequent, small kinds of information. Jennifer asks about getting an RSS feed that can be subscribed to so the information can be more easily referenced. Noreen confesses that she does not know how to do RSS and Jennifer Jones volunteers to help. she also explains it for those who are unfamiliar with it. (here is a favorite article of mine on RSS. It is aimed at lawyers (a team I belong to in my other life), but gets the point across). One person commented about the Online Northwest conference.

Events coming up:
  • Sleeping Lady in August
  • New Faculty Institute - coming up the 1st two weeks in September
  • College Readiness Retreat - in October


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