QM Process
1. Course is selected for the review. Can be online or hybrid (as long as most of the course resides in the platform)
2. Instructor fills out a worksheet, explaining a little bit about the course
3. The web based Quality Matters Rubric is opened. The rubric has 8 quality standard areas, 40 standards and a total possible score of 80 points.
- Course Overview and Introduction
- Learning Objectives
- Assessment and Measurement
- Resources and Materials
- Learner Engagement
- Course Technology
- Learner Support
- Accessibility
The rubric is meant to be more than just a checklist or recipe. It is meant to align the course with the learning objectives.
4. Scoring: Points are not applied on a sliding scale. Either it meets the standard or it does not. The majority rules - if two people say the standard is met, it is met. The instructor can see the comments of reviewers. The standards fall under 3 categories: 14 essential standards (which must all be met to pass), very important and important. They did not want to include any unimportant standards.
5. When the review is completed, the report is sent to the faculty member, not the institution. The score is not the most helpful outcome - the comments from the peers are the most helpful. The recommendations should be
- constructive
- specific
- measurable - how will the instructor know when the recommendation has been met?
- sensitive - avoid negative language
- balanced - point out strenghts and weaknesses
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