Monday, June 7, 2010

Pecha Kucha for classroom presentation

My first workshop (after a tasty buffet breakfast) is introducing a presentation style that is supposed to be fun and fast paced called Pecha Kucha (pronounced Pe-cha-cha by the presenter, Wikipedia notes the pronunciation is peh-cha koo-cha). It means chit-chat in Japanese.

Started in Japan, now a way for creative people to interact all over the world. Pecha Kucha Nights are found in many cities

Based on showing presentation slides (like PowerPOint) and moving through them quickly. Very visual, using photographs and images.

Rules - 20x20 - Allowed exactly 20 slides and exactly 20 seconds per slide for a total of 6 minutes and 40 seconds

More of a graphical presentation - no bullet points
Can be used in the face to face environment - use as a model for presenting - no one needs know it is being used.

This seems like a great structure for presenting PowerPoint. The presenter is in the process of showing a full one of his narrated PowerPoints. It seems relatively mundane, but is moving at a nice pace. Although 20 seconds sounds fast, seeing it, it did not seem rushed and, indeed, 6:40 seemed rather long and I was wondering why he didn't just show a clip.

This seems like a perfect match for Jing, but one would not be able to stick to the classic Pecha Kucha

Microsoft Photostory 3 - this is what the presenter used to create his presentaion - I've never heard of this. It allows for the creation of slideshows using photographs with narration. The program makes all files in Windows Media Player format, but these files can be converted using other software into MP4 software. It allows for recording slide by slide, so if you mess up on one slide, you don't have to start all over again (sweet!)

He recommends Keynote for Mac users.

Creative Uses - he has seen it at conferences, Trainings (uses it as a model for his own training). He also allows students to use it for submitting assignments. During the question times

Presenter: Richard Schilke from Florida State College at Jacksonville.

Wikipedia -


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