WAOL Fee increase
Colleges pay about $200 ($40 per credit hour) to offer a WAOL shared class. This amount has not changed in 10 years and no longer generates enough revenue to make it worth it for colleges to offer classes through WAOL.
Everyone here agrees that the fee should go up. The debate is how much it should be and how rapidly the cost will go up. A tentative thought is about $10 per credit hour per year increase over the next 3 year.
How does this impact you? There are only a few people offering WAOL classes on Cascadia's campus, but we look at a higher number of students to make those classes go. Instead of 15 students to make a class go, we look at 17 or 18 students to make a WAOL class go. So, this fee adjustment would reduce the go number, making it more likely that a class would go.
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