Monday, June 7, 2010

From Consumer to Innovator: Defining the Next 20 Years of DL

I'm really interested in future thinking about DL and how we can position ourselves to be prepared for the inevitable changes, rather than constantly running to keep up.

The presenter, Bucky Dodd from the U of Central Oklahoma, has created a Distance Learning Innovation (DLI) model.

Semantic Structure: finding a way to categorize and use information.
* include internet services in the LMS
* incorporate data sources in the LMS (ie Wolfram Alpha)
* students continue to have access to inactive courses - continue to make use of the rich conversations students had in the class, student added content, etc.
* distance educators have to

Redistribution: how do we share this information?  
* he mentions open software, open resources, creative commons, but does not delve into any depth. Asked questions, but no answers.

Learner Interaction
* Mobile learning
  * the "learning" phone? phones are more for instant interaction whereas instruction is meant to be more in depth, reflective interaction. Is mobile learning eroding the time expectations of students (makes me think that I need to add a section to my orientation about anywhere/anytime learning).
  * Augmented Reality -
  * Adaptive learning - we should take lessons from Amazon - you've bought this book, maybe you should get this book too. ie. Other students who missed this question found these resources helpful. . .  This is the kind of intelligence in the programs advocated by Candice Thille at Carnegie Mellon.

Move beyond consumer-driven decisions to innovation-driven perspectives.

This seemed to me more like a keynote than a regular conference presentation. It tossed out a lot of things to think about, but didn't have any actual information to take away.


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