ANGEL Courses Open to Students TOMORROW!
This is just a reminder that your ANGEL courses open to students tomorrow.
Classrooms Opening: Your ANGEL classrooms will open to students on Friday, September 24.
Important: Please do not turn off your course. If you do so and a student contacts my office to complain, I will turn the course back on. If you are not ready for students to access your course on 9/24, just hide the content. Contact my office if you need help with that.
Here a couple of tips to save you time in the coming days –
• Re-upload File – if you have files already in ANGEL, it is easy to edit and re-upload them.
• Get rid of your old classes from your Courses nugget
• Add “How To” ANGEL instructions to your classrooms
• Set all of your assignment dates at once using the Date Manager (instructions attached)
As always, Stephanie Carlson and I are at your disposal if you need help. I am out of the office tomorrow, but will check email throughout the weekend to respond to any last minute emergencies.