Monday, September 28, 2009

ANGEL Tip of the Day #27 - Using the Date Manager

**Bonus ANGEL Tip for experienced users**

Did you know that you could set all of your assignment dates from one place? Use the Date Manager under the Manage tab. This works best if you already have all of your assignments posted, so it is ideal for classes that you have taught in ANGEL before.

Please refer to page 765 on the ANGEL Instructor Reference Manual.

ANGEL Tip of the Day #26 – Cascadia eLearning Faculty Community

If you look under your courses nugget in ANGEL, you’ll see the Cascadia eLearning Faculty Community Space. There, you will find a plethora of helpful instructions on how to do dozens of things in ANGEL (thanks to my fabulous new work study student, Stephanie Carlson). It is organized by category and includes resources from all over the system.

Newly trained ANGEL faculty might not see it – email me if you don’t.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

ANGEL Tip of the Day #25 - Send all ANGEL mail to Internet Email Address

When you send an email through ANGEL, it does not go to the recipient’s internet email address unless you specifically check the “Send a copy to each recipient’s to Internet e-mail”.

Thanks to Greg Jackson, I discovered a way that box will be checked by default. Go to the Manage tab and click on Mail Settings. At the bottom of that window, you can check “Send a copy to each recipient’s to Internet e-mail” and make it the default.

FREE WEBINAR: Next-Generation Education for Next-Generation Students

Next-Generation Education for Next-Generation Students

Wednesday, October 28th, at 11:00 a.m. Pacific, 2:00 p.m. Eastern

This one-hour FREE webinar, Next-Generation Education for Next-Generation Students, will be presented by Bill Pepicello, President of University of Phoenix, and is hosted by The Chronicle of Higher Education.

The program will discuss the place of Millennial students in the evolving American higher education landscape. Millennials are not defined by the admissions requirements of traditional institutions, but now comprise the majority of undergraduates in America. This wide-ranging discussion will touch on basic issues necessary to ensure access—and success—for this core student constituency.

This is a must-attend event for executives and professionals in:

  • Enrollment
  • Admissions
  • Faculty
  • University Administration
  • Government Agency
  • NGO Leadership

Registration is required to attend this event. Please register now.

To see a list of presenters, register and for more information please see the link below!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Angel Tip of the Day # 24 – Instructions for Students (and Faculty)

If you are using ANGEL, it is helpful to provide instructions for students on how to do stuff. But, you don’t want to reinvent the wheel. Here is a round up of some resources you can use.

eLearning Papers – here is a list of printable handouts with instructions for students and faculty on how to do various tasks in ANGEL. If you have requests for additional eLearning Papers, let us know.

ANGEL Instructions for Students – Cascadia’s public website has a list of videos with basic

ANGEL instructions - Students can access this from the right Resources Menu on all of the eLearning pages.

Videos in your ANGEL classroom – ANGEL tip of the day #10 explained how to easily add some instructional videos to your ANGEL classroom from Cascadia’e Learning object Repository.

Videos for Faculty – WAOL has a nice collection of ANGEL resources for faculty. Just click on the down arrows to reveal the topics.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

ANGEL Tip of the day # 23 – Jazz up your Icons

An effective online classroom is important, but we also want it to look nice. Today, I’ll show you how to rearrange and change the icons on your ANGEL lessons page.

Click on this link for a quick demo -

ANGEL Tip of the Day #22 – Don’t delete categories

Continuing with our grading theme, you may be tempted to try and re-order your gradebook by deleting categories. If you have not reassigned the assignments to a new category and you delete the category that they are in, you could lose all of your grades.

To avoid this, just don’t delete categories after you have started entering grades in your gradebook. You can add some, but don’t delete them.

ANGEL Tip of the Week #21: My students can't see my comments

We continue with our theme of common gradebook related complaints.

Problem: My students can’t see my gradebook comments.

Issue: Students probably are not running a grade report.

Most of the time when students say they can’t see your comments, it is because they are just looking at the grades nugget on the home page. Alternately, they look at the assignment itself and see your grade, but don’t click on the link to see the comments.

The best solution is to remind students periodically on how to run a grade report. An instructional video is posted in the Cascadia Learning Object Repository (LOR) which you can easily copy into your course (see ATOD # 10 for details on how to do that).

ANGEL Tip of the day # 20 – Grades Not Showing Up

As we near the end of summer quarter and prime grading time, I thought I would focus on the top complaints that I get about the gradebook in ANGEL.
Problem: I entered the grades but they are not appearing in the gradebook.

Issue: No gradebook connection or Manual Grading

Solution: Connect the Assignment or Choose a different kind of grading

99% of the time, if someone cannot see their grades they either neglected to connect the assignment to the gradebook or they made the connection and chose manual grading. Let’s look at both of these.

Connecting the Assignment: In order for grades to appear in the gradebook, you need to connect the assignment to the gradebook. You do this under the Settings for the assignment and the Assignment tab. If it says “None” under “gradebook” then that is your problem. Choose New Assignment from the dropdown menu to begin making the connection.

Manual Grading: One of the choices in setting the assignment is Calculation Type. If you choose “manual” your grades entered at the assignment will not appear in the gradebook. You almost never want to choose manual grading as your calculation type. Just choose something else and your grades will magically appear.

ANGEL Tip of the Day #19 - Change your Course Title

You can change the title of your course. This can be especially helpful when you are teaching multiple sections of the same class.

Click on the Manage Tab and then click on General Course Settings in the center of the page. On your Course Settings page, you’ll see the title of your course and you can edit it as you wish.