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ANGEL Tip Of the Day #32 – Setting dates in ANGEL.
There are several different ways to set dates on an assignment or quiz in ANGEL. If you use them incorrectly or make them conflict, they could get you into trouble. Today’s ANGEL tip reviews the different ways of setting dates in Access, Interactions and Milestones.
Access Tab: This tab will allow the student access to this particular folder under the Lessons Content. You need to have the Advanced Setting selected to see these dates.
Start Date
Selecting a Start Date prevents the item from being displayed until the specified date. This can be useful if you want to enter items ahead of time, but you do not want them displayed until a specific date. You might use this setting in conjunction with the End Date setting to restrict access to a test to a specific date.
End Date
Selecting an End Date prevents the item from being displayed after the specified date. You might use this setting in conjunction with the Start Date setting to restrict access to a test to a specific date.
Interactions Tab: This tab includes dates as to when a student can actually take the quiz.
Students can track their course progress by viewing a list of pending, completed, or past due milestones. Course editors and course assistants can view milestone achievements for each individual student. The number of milestones is indicated in parentheses. Milestones also appear in the calendar which help students gauge their course load for the class. You can access the Milestones under the Assignment Tab.
If you are using ANGEL tokens in email, you should know they only work in the ANGEL system. So, if you send messages to external email or if a student has their messages forwarded, the token will not work.
If you are using Assessments in ANGEL for your quizzes and exams, you may find yourself needing to reset one for a student. It is very easy to do.
You can mark all conversations as read in an ANGEL discussion board, but it is not intuitive. Watch this 1 minute video to learn the secret.