Tuesday, July 28, 2009

ANGEL Tip of the Day # 18 - reorganizing assignments in the gradebook

ANGEL Tip of the Day # 18 - reorganizing assignments in the gradebook

Sometimes your assignments don’t show up in the gradebook in the order you prefer. Here is how to rearrange them. Thanks to Colene White for this great tip!
• Go to your gradebook and click on the Categories link on the right.
• Select the category with the assignments that you want to reorder then click on the “Show Tasks” button on the lower part of your screen.
• The task list will appear at the bottom of your screen. Click on “Reorder Assignments” from the task list.
• Now you can move the assignments around.

ANGEL Tip of the Day #17 - Log Off

ANGEL Tip of the Day #17 - Log Off

If you like to use any of ANGEL’s tracking tools – how many unread discussion posts you have or how many ungraded papers, etc – you may find them often inaccurate. This is because you need to Log Off at the end of a session for ANGEL to track properly. Just use the Log Off button in the left navigation bar.

Monday, July 20, 2009

ANGEL Tips of the Day - #14: The Grading Scale in the ANGEL Gradebook

ANGEL Tips of the Day - #14: The Grading Scale in the ANGEL Gradebook

#14 – Grading Scale
We don’t generally use letter grades, but if you have items that are marked as completed or not completed or if your course or assignments are pass/no pass, here is the place you can set that up.

When you look in the Gradebook section under the Mange Tab, you see Grading Scale on the far right under Gradebook Management. If you have a Pass/No Pass assignment, try the following steps
• Put “P” (pass) in the first Label space. Choose your minimum percent (ie 75% of the possible points) and put that in the percent space.
• Click on Add New
• Put “NP” (no pass) in the second Label space. Choose zero for the minimum percent.
• Click Add New again and exit to the Main Menu.
• Now, you could mark an assignment with a score type of “Letter Grade” and this grading scale will be applied.

ANGEL Tips of the Day - #13: Assignments in the Gradebook

ANGEL Tips of the Day - #13: Assignments in the Gradebook

#13 - Assignments
When you look in the Gradebook section under the Mange Tab, you see Assignments on the far right under Gradebook Management. This is a quick and easy way to see and edit all of the items in your gradebook.
• To edit, just put a checkmark next to the item and click on the Edit Selected button.
• If you teach a web enhanced or hybrid course, you might have students submitting work that does not go into ANGEL. Here is the place to add those items into the gradebook. Just click on the Add New button.

ANGEL Tips of the Day - #12: Categories in the Gradebook

ANGEL Tips of the Day - #12: Categories in the Gradebook

#12 – Categories
When you look in the Gradebook section under the Mange Tab, you see Categories on the far right under Gradebook Management. Click on that to see your categories and their respective weights. Here are two big problem causers.
• Make sure that you have either everything in a category or everything uncategorized. If you mix and match, the uncategorized items will not be included in your gradebook totals.
• Make sure that everything has a weight. Items with no weight are ignored in the gradebook totals.

ANGEL Tip of the Day #10 - Instructional Videos on the Learning Object Repository

ANGEL Tip of the Day #10 - Instructional Videos on the Learning Object Repository

Video is a great way to help students understand things. We talked in ATOD #9 about using the WAOL media server to store video files and in ATOD #10 about using the Learning Object Repository. Today, we’ll talk about another LOR option – the college Learning Object Repository.

As we mentioned, the LOR is good for posting large files or files that you share across courses. So, I have placed several ANGEL instructional videos in the college LOR. You can access them in the same way you would any other LOR content. Use the video below for instructions.


ANGEL Tip of the Day #9

ANGEL Tip of the day #9 - Leftover Blackboard Files

This week, our tips will all be about managing your course files and course size. We have a 300 MG size limit on each course. This is more than adequate for most folks. Still, whether you have a big or little course, it is good to practice good file management. This week, I’ll teach you how.

WAOL Media Server: If you make use of big files in your course (movies, Camtasia videos, audio and video files, graphic intensive documents) you should probably get to know the WAOL media server. You can access it at MyWAOL (where you used to fill out your Intent to Teach forms) – http://www.waol.org. Anyone with a WAOL account can use it and anyone in the community college system can set up a WAOL account.

There is a video below, but just click on the Upload Media link once you log into MyWAOL and the instructions are fairly self explanatory. Once you upload your media, you get a link that you can add to ANGEL.

Video instructions: http://faculty.cascadia.edu/sdelaney/WAOL_Media_server/WAOL%20Media%20Server.htm

Thursday, July 2, 2009

ANGEL Tip of the Day #7 & #8 - Two Mac Tips

ANGEL Tip of the Day #7 & #8 - Two Mac Tips

The Mac browser Safari does not play well with ANGEL. However, it can be deceiving, since most ANGEL features work just fine. Students sometimes have trouble with discussion boards and attachments. Recommend that your Mac users use the ANGEL supported browser Firefox.

If students have trouble submitting attachments, ask if they are using a Mac. Older Mac programs do not always add file extensions (i.e. “.doc” or “.ppt”). This confuses ANGEL. Not knowing what the file is, it simply rejects the file and does not tell the user. Suggest that Mac users add file extensions (they can also set programs to do this automatically).

ANGEL Tip of the Day #5 – Quiz Question Tip

When you are creating quiz questions in ANGEL, there is an option at the bottom to Save and Create New. The default is for the same kind of question you just made, but you can use the drop down menu to choose any other kind of question as well. Using this feature also populates the number of points a question is worth.

This feature can really help cut down on the number of clicks needed to create each question.